Tom Krieshok's Site
Highlighted Talks
- We Teach What We Believe
- The Virtues of Being an Undecided Major
- Charitable Attributions (Video)
- Career Adaptability: What I Preach Versus Who I am (Video)
- School of Education Convocation - 2003
Highlighted Scholarly Works
- An anti‐introspectivist view of career decision making
- Career decision making: The limits of rationality and the abundance of non-conscious processes
- Voices in transition: Lessons on career adaptability
- How the decision-making literature might inform career center practice
- Telling a good story: Using narratives in vocational rehabilitation with veterans
"Contrary to what I had believed, the process of experimental science does not consist in explaining the unknown by the known, as in certain mathematical proofs. It aims, on the contrary, to give an account of what is observed by the properties of what is imagined."